
This Site

This site is a hobby project of mine. It is geared towards other hobbies and interests as well as projects that I work on. I originally started the site as plain HTML and later used PHP to help with layout and other features. Since the main content of the site is static content, I now use XML for the contents and templates to transform to HTML files. It isn't updated very often right now. and is a constant work-in-progress.

This site uses some HTML5 and CSS3. It is best viewed in Firefox or Chrome. It may work with Internet Explorer 11 or later or any other suitable browser.

General Information

Brian Allen Vanderburg II
August 1982

Online Locations

Hobbies and Interests

  • Computer stuff (programming, networking, web design, etc)
  • Electronics
  • Robotics
  • Cosmology
  • Engineering
  • Etc.